歌词 "Motivated" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:THREE 6 MAFIA

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Chorus x2] [合唱x ]

Everytime i feel this shit, i'm motivated 每次我觉得这狗屎,我的动机

Not only do we flow this shit, we demonstrate it 我们不仅流入这个狗屎,我们展示了它

We come to far to turn back now, i hope we make it 我们来就立刻转身离开,我希望我们能去的

But everytime them prophets fly, i'm motivated 但每次他们的先知飞,我的动机


[juicy j] [多汁J]。

Back in the days 早在天

I used to get down 我用下来

Pockets on e 关于电子口袋

I can't do nothin' but frown 我不能做什么也不皱眉

Feelin' my belly and don't come around 感觉我的肚子和不来

Had to be pushin' that bope by the pound 不得不推着的BOPE由英镑

Go with da folk that be pullin' a bitch 去大民间是这样普林婊子

Not to popular now you know you're the shit 不要流行,现在你知道你是狗屎

Fuckin' with reala 与reala他妈的

That know you're legit 那知道你是合法的

Pushin' that shit that you shoot in your wrist 推着你在你的手腕上拍摄的那些事

Had ot be down about makin' my grip OT了下来约金我的抓地力

Pumpin' the beat 给水站“的节拍

Hopin' the needle won't skip 河滨中针会不会跳过

Nukin' a dinner while flippin' the script Nukin “,而弗利的晚宴”剧本

Niggas still trippin' still runnin' they lip 黑鬼仍然践踏,还是在天边,他们信口开河

Now they just comin' in larger amounts 现在,他们只是坠落在较大数额

Then i stack them in my bank account 然后我将它们堆叠在我的银行帐户

This is for half of your ass watch it bounce 这是一半的屁股看它反弹

Motivation for my power and clout 动机因为我的能力和影响力


[dj paul] [DJ保罗]

20 years old 20岁

Ridin' in a 80,000 dollar viper 在80000美元毒蛇坐车

Better watch out for the snipers 最好小心为狙击手

They be bumpin' our tapes 他们被bumpin 我们的磁带

But they really don't like us 但他们真的不喜欢我们

Why must some local bustas try to dis me 为什么一定要当地一些bustas尝试存款保险计划我

When they don't even know me 当他们甚至不知道我

Not knowin' i'll run up on they ass 不深深地知道“我会在他们的屁股跑起来

With a motherfuckin' mac 有娘 MAC

Kill em' all off slowly 杀死他们的人都慢慢地

I'm tryin' to keep my cool, keep my cool 我试着让自己保持冷静,保持冷静

Cause i got plenty to lose 因为我有很多失去

My fuckin' surroundings be another nigga singin' the blues 我他妈的的环境是另一个黑人闷闷不乐,心事重重

So how i keep's myself on top of things and motivate 因此,如何我一直是自己对事物的顶部和激励

I quickly erase all you hoes that be playa hatin' 我赶紧清除所有你锄头是这样干盐湖hatin


[Chorus x2] [合唱x ]


[gangsta boo] [匪帮嘘]

For you motherfuckin' niggas 对于你娘黑鬼

For you motherfuckin' hoes 对于你娘锄头

Stayin' real as ca be 留下来真正的的CA

On my fuckin' ten toes 我他妈的十个脚趾

Never be the one to fall 永远是一到秋天

I'm rising oh so quickly 我这么快上升哦

I know you hate me 我知道你恨我

But i'm gon' stay motivated 但我会去保持动力

This crazy lady 这疯女人

Don't give a fuck bout' what you say 不要给他妈的回合“你说的话

It don't mean shit 这并不意味着狗屎

Maybe cause i'm stackin' cheese 也许原因我stackin 奶酪

And you ain't stackin' nothin' but dicks 而你是不是stackin “没什么只是迪克斯

Including you niggas too 包括你太黑鬼

You be ridin' on dicks 您可以在迪克斯坐车

I know you do 我知道你做的

I'm stayin' on top of my game 我在我的游戏留下来

I'll be number one so nigga fuck you 我会头号所以黑鬼你他妈的


[scarecrow] [稻草人]

This music game is gonna drive me insane 这个音乐游戏是要去我发疯

It's all about figures 这是所有关于数字

Cause when you're dealin' with heavy stakes 当你的戏份“沉重的赌注原因

Somethin' gon' brake or get injured 事端坤刹车或受伤

Niggas talkin' bout' paying dues 黑鬼说话回合缴纳会费

I got the bruises to prove it 我得到了淤青来证明这一点

Did everything a nigga could do 所做的一切都是一个黑人可以做

To make it in the game of rap music 为了使其在说唱音乐的游戏

But still everytime i try to make a move some mothefuckers always 但还是每次我试图使一招一些mothefuckers始终

Gotta doubt 总得疑问

And then them very same niggas don't know what the fuck they talkin' 然后他们同样的黑鬼不知道他们在说什么他妈的

Bout' 布特“

Keepin' the faith up on my plate 保持着信念在我的盘

Was the reflection of my face 当时我的脸的倒影

Sayin' it to make it but still gave the good lord his grace 说它,使它但还是给了好耶他的恩典


[Chorus...till fade] [合唱......直到淡出]

歌词 Motivated 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/motivated/

歌词 Motivated 的作者与版权信息:


Ricky Dunigan, Jordan Houston, Paul D. Beauregard


Tefnoise Publishing LLC