歌词 "More Than" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

More Than



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

So they paved the road to providence 因此,他们铺平了道路普罗维登斯

And lined up the memories 和一字排开的回忆

In reference to what was dead and gone 在谈到什么是死了

Then the band and the symphony 然后乐队和交响乐

In sweet sounding harmony 在甜蜜动听的和谐

Lay down their guns in disgust 放下厌恶枪

For they knew their armies at last 因为他们知道他们的军队在最后


So haven't we seen enough 所以,我们不是看够

On the cover of 上封面

Haven't we had our fun 没有,我们有我们的乐趣

Watching on the TV screens, oh yeah 看着电视机屏幕,哦耶


So we harbor our hopes and fears 因此,我们抱有的希望和恐惧

In houses and evergreens 在房子和常青树

Cast adrift, what we dont need 铸造漂泊,我们不需要

Then the rhythm of tambourine 手鼓的那么节奏

And drama of marching scene 和行军场面戏

Lay down their violence in trust 放下信托暴力

For they knew how much the cost 因为他们知道成本多少


So haven't we seen enough 所以,我们不是看够

On the cover of 上封面

Haven't we had our fun 没有,我们有我们的乐趣

Watching on the TV screens 看着电视机屏幕


For when all is said and done and our aims run 因为当一切都说过和做过,我们的目标运行

Then we'll come 那么我们就来

歌词 More Than 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/more-than/