歌词 "Moonshiner" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:CAT POWER

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been a moonshiner 我是一个moonshiner

For seventeen long years 对于17年之久

I spent all my money on whisky and beer 我花了我所有的钱,威士忌和啤酒


I go to some hollow 我去了一些空

And set up my holy holy still 并成立了我的圣仍旧圣洁

If drinking do not kill me 如果喝不杀我

Then I don't know what will 然后,我不知道会是怎样


I go to some bar room 我去一些酒吧客房

And drink with my friends 和我的朋友们喝酒

If women and men would come to follow 如果女性和男性会来跟随

To see what I might spend 看看我可能会花

God bless them handsome men 上帝保佑他们英俊的男人

I wish they was mine 我希望他们是我的


Their breath is as sweet as 他们的呼吸是一样甜

The dew on the holy holy vine 在神圣的圣蔓露


You're already in hell, you're already in hell 你已经在地狱里,你已经在地狱

I wish we could go to hell 我希望我们能去地狱


When the bottle gets empty 当瓶得空

Then life ain't worth the drown 那么生活是不值得的淹死

歌词 Moonshiner 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/moonshiner/

歌词 Moonshiner 的作者与版权信息:


Chan Marshall, Bob Dylan, Jeff Tweedy


Words Ampersand Music, Doorman Music, Special Rider Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.