歌词 "Moonshine" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well my eyes are closed, but my heart's on fire 那么我的眼睛是闭着的,但我的心脏是火

Because the clock is approaching the midnight hour 由于时钟接近午夜时分

I leave my window open, all the lights are out 我把我的窗户打开,所有的灯都出来了

And from the darkest night comes the lightest shout 从最黑暗的夜晚来临的时候最轻的呐喊


Moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光月亮

The cow jumped over the moonshine moon 牛跳过了月亮月光

Moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光月亮

I'll love you tonight under the moonshine moon 我爱你,今晚在月光月光


Well as we walk through the streets, there's no-one nowhere 还有我们在街上走,有没有人无处

And our nightgown's trailing and our feet are bare 而我们的睡袍的结尾,我们的脚裸

I don't know where we're going and I don't care 我不知道我们要去哪里,我不在乎

Just as long as you're here and the moon's up there 就像只要你在这里,月亮的在那里


Moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光月亮

The cow jumped over the moonshine moon 牛跳过了月亮月光

Moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光月亮

I'll love you tonight under the moonshine moon 我爱你,今晚在月光月光


Now all the little boys and girls around the town 现在所有的小男孩和周围的小镇女孩

Dreaming through the darkness till the moon goes down 在黑暗中做梦,直到月亮下山

But me and my baby gonna be up all night 但我和我的孩子会通宵达

Dancing under the moonlight 在月光下跳舞


Moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光月亮

I'll love you tonight under the moonshine moon 我爱你,今晚在月光月光

Moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光月亮

The cow jumped over the moonshine moon 牛跳过了月亮月光

Moonshine, moonshine, moonshine, moonshine moon 月光,月光,月光,月光月亮

歌词 Moonshine 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/moonshine-6/

歌词 Moonshine 的作者与版权信息:


Mike Batt


Dramatico Music Publishing Ltd.