歌词 "Moonglow" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It must have been moonglow 那一定是月光

Way up in the blue, 一路上涨的蓝色,

It must have been moonglow 那一定是月光

That led me straight to you. 这导致我直接给你。


I still hear you saying 我还是听你说

'Dear one, hold me fast' “亲爱的,抱紧我快”

And I start in praying 我开始祈祷

Oh Lord, please let this last. 主啊,请让这最后。


We seemed to float right through the air, 我们好像漂浮的权利,通过空气,

Heavenly songs seem to come from everywhere. 天上的歌似乎来自无处不在。


And now when there's moonglow 而现在,当有月光

Way up in the blue 一路在蓝色

I always remember 我永远都记得

That moonglow gave me you. 这月光给了我你的。

歌词 Moonglow 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/moonglow-2/