歌词 "Money" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:LOU BEGA

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Money, oh money 钱,钱哦

Be my baby, drive me crazy 是我的宝贝,我发疯

Money, oh money 钱,钱哦

Wanna hold you, just like I told you 想抱着你,就像我跟你说


Every morning I wake up by your side 每天早晨,我在你身边醒来

Oh my feeling is so strong I cannot hide 噢,我的感觉是如此强烈,我不能隐藏

I wan't to hold you every second that I live ì want抱着你每一秒,我住

And when you ain't next to me I get possessive 而当你是不是在我身边我得到的占有欲

You make me happy and you buy me things 你让我快乐,你买我的东西

Cars and chicks and diamond rings 汽车和小鸡钻戒

All the stuff that is blinkin' 所有这一切都在闪烁东西


Some people say that money isn't everything 有人说,金钱不是万能的

I tell them no, look, you also need a diamond ring 我告诉他们,不,你看,你还需要一个钻戒

And a ton of gold and a lot of shares 与一吨黄金,很多股票

Your honey wants a private jet ? 你的蜂蜜想要一个私人飞机?

Man who cares 人谁在乎

You satisfy me and you turn me on 你满足我,你把我的

And that is why I sing 这就是为什么我唱

This song 这首歌

My dream is to own a money money factory 我的梦想是拥有一个钱生钱的工厂


Money money money 钱钱钱

Gimme gimme money 给我给我的钱

Money money money 钱钱钱

Gimme gimme money 给我给我的钱

歌词 Money 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/money-39/

歌词 Money 的作者与版权信息:


Achim Kleist, David Lubega, Frank Lio, Zippy Davids, D. Fact, Lou Bega, Christian Pletschacher


Syndicate Songs Ii Ed., Unicade Publishing, Ridge Music Corp.