歌词 "Misfit" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You never close your eyes 你永远闭上你的眼睛

You never sleep at night 你从来没有在晚上睡觉

You are an emotional nightmare 你是一个情感的噩梦

You are a misfit 你是一个不称职

You like to hurt yourself 你想伤害自己

And you don't know why 而你不知道是什么原因

You're trapped inside your own hell 你是你自己的地狱媚惑

No one else knows your name 没有人知道你的名字


See the misfit in the mirror 见失配在镜子

See the freak that lives inside 看到生活里的怪胎

See the misfit in the mirror cry 看到镜子哭错配

See the one nobody wanted, 看到一个没人要,

Shattered by a world of lies 由谎言的世界破碎

See the misfit in the mirror die 看到镜子模的错位


You always crash your car, 你总是崩溃你的车,

You're like a permanent scar, 你就像一个永久的疤痕,

You're just a walking disaster 你只是一个行走的灾难

You are the opposite of moving faster 您是移动速度较快的反

When you've pushed around, 当你推来推去,

When all your walls fall down 当你所有的墙倒下

And when they call you misfit it's so hard to stop the rage 而当他们叫你不称职它是如此难以停止的愤怒


See the misfit in the mirror 见失配在镜子

See the freak that lives inside 看到生活里的怪胎

See the misfit in the mirror cry 看到镜子哭错配

See the one nobody wanted, 看到一个没人要,

Shattered by a world of lies 由谎言的世界破碎

See the misfit in the mirror die 看到镜子模的错位


I see you and I see everything that I hate 我看到你,我看到,我恨一切

Darkness all around me, makes me suffocate 黑暗中我周围,使我窒息


See the misfit in the mirror 见失配在镜子

See the freak that lives inside 看到生活里的怪胎

See the misfit in the mirror cry 看到镜子哭错配

See the one nobody wanted, 看到一个没人要,

Shattered by a world of lies 由谎言的世界破碎

See the misfit in the mirror die 看到镜子模的错位

歌词 Misfit 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/misfit-3/

歌词 Misfit 的作者与版权信息:


Andreas Carlsson, Evan Taubenfeld


Andreas Carlsson Publishing AB, Emi April Music Inc., Big Evil Music Co., WB Music Corp.