歌词 "Mind Control" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mind Control



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Unknown are the caverns of the mind 未知的是心灵的洞穴

New realms of affliction lurk inside 苦难的新境界里面潜伏

Unbound massive mental energy 未绑定的大量心理能量

Your last breaths taken from you easily 很容易从你们夺去你最后的呼吸


Incoherence disrupts your rationale 语无伦次扰乱你的理由

Involuntary your last confessional 你不由自主的最后自白

No sense of being missing segments of time 被时间段丢失的无感

Inconsistency is feeding on your mind 不一致喂养你的心


[lead: Hannemann] [导语: Hannemann的]


Mind control, pain unfolds 精神控制,疼痛展开

I own all your sensations 我把自己所有的感觉

Weakening, reasoning 弱化,推理

Mesmeric full demolition 催眠全拆

Hypnotized - victimized 催眠 - 受害

Behold the threshold to the web 看哪门槛的网页

Screaming souls fear echoes 尖叫的灵魂恐惧的回声

Piercing boundaries of the dead 撕心裂肺的死亡界线


[lead: King] [导语:王]


Penetration of the window to your soul 窗口的穿透你的灵魂

Deterioration of the mind, no self control 心灵的恶化,没有自我控制

Temporarily comprehend no memories 暂时没有理解的记忆

Hollow carcass of a man is all I leave 一个人的空心胴体是我离开


Execution but a thought in the end 执行但最后一个念头

Slowly erasing your life and what has been 慢慢擦掉你的生活,什么一直

Passing victims in the land of secrecy 在秘密地传递受害者

Cerebral death can come to you in your dreams 脑死亡可以来找你你的梦想

歌词 Mind Control 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mind-control-2/

歌词 Mind Control 的作者与版权信息:


Jeffery John Hanneman, Kerry King, Tomas Enrique Araya


Molosser Music, Pennemunde Music, Universal Music - Mgb Songs, Ss810 Music