歌词 "Millennium" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I look into the black horizon 我看着黑色的地平线

The more I see the more I know 我越看我越知道

I try to justify the wars won 我试图证明战争韩元

But that won't satisfy my soul 但是,这不能满足我的灵魂

I hold the future in my hand 我在手握住未来

But I could easily destroy 不过,我可以轻易摧毁

I see the footprints in the sand 我看到的脚印在沙

They seem to vanish in the void 他们似乎在虚空中消失

Can I walk away 我可以走开

Can I choose to stay 我可以选择留下

Feel I'm getting near 觉得我越来越近

Voices that I hear 我听到的声音

Sail away, follow the sacred heart 航行距离,按照神圣的心脏

Chase the sun, one with the moon and stars 追逐太阳,一个是月亮和星星

Sail away, You'll find the promised land 航行距离,你会找到应许之地

In your hand, there is a New Millennium 在你的手,有一个新的千年

I wish wouldn't have to worry 我想就不必担心

About the life that lies ahead 关于摆在面前的生活

But when the present turns tomorrow 但是,当本接通明天

I shall remember what they said 我记得他们说什么

Feel I'm getting near 觉得我越来越近

Voices that I hear 我听到的声音

Sail away, follow the sacred heart 航行距离,按照神圣的心脏

Chase the sun, one with the moon and stars 追逐太阳,一个是月亮和星星

Sail away, you'll find the promised land 航行距离,你会发现乐土

In your hand, there is a New Millennium 在你的手,有一个新的千年

歌词 Millennium 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/millennium-1/