歌词 "Migration" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Lookin back at my background tryin' to 回来看我的背景难以释怀的

figure out how I ever got here. 弄清楚如何我曾经来到这里。

Some things are stil a mystery to me 有些东西是史迪威是一个谜给我

While others are much to clear. 而另一些则清除。

I'm just livin' in the sunshine, 我只是活着“在阳光下,

Stay contented most of the time. 留自得的大部分时间。

Yeah, listenin to Murphy, Walker and Willis, 是啊, listenin墨菲,沃克和威利斯,

Sing me their Texas rhymes. 我唱的童谣德克萨斯州。


Now most of the people who retire in Florida 现在大多数谁在佛罗里达州退休的人

are wrinkled and they lean on a crutch. 有皱,他们依靠拐杖。

And mobile homes are smotherin' my keys; 和移动房屋被smotherin 我的钥匙;

Well I hate those bastards so much. 嗯,我讨厌那些混蛋这么多。

I wish a summer squall would blow them 我想一个夏天飑会打击他们

all the way up to fantasy land. 一路幻想的土地。

They're ugly and square, they don't belong here. 他们是丑陋和广场,它们不属于这里。

They look a lot better as beer cans. 他们看起来好了很多啤酒易拉罐。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Yeah, That's why it's still a mystery to me, 是的,这就是为什么它仍然是一个谜给我,

Why some people live like they do. 为什么有些人活得像他们这样做。

So many nice things happening out there, 这么多漂亮的事情发生在那里,

Never even seen the clues. 甚至从来没有见过的线索。

Whoa, but we're doin' fine, we can travel and rhyme. 哇,但我们上来的罚款,我们可以旅行和韵律。

I know we've been doing our part. 我知道,我们一直在做我们的一部分。

Got a Caribbean soul I can barely control 得到了加勒比地区的灵魂,我可以勉强控制

and some Texas hidden here in my heart. 有的德克萨斯这里隐藏着我的心脏。


Well now, I might have joined the merchant marine, 现在好了,我可能已经加入了商船,

If I hadn't learned how to sing. 如果我没有学会怎么唱。

And on top of that I got married too early, 而最重要的是我结婚太早,

And it cost me much more than a ring. 它花了我不是一个环等等。

But those crazy days are over, 但是,那些疯狂的日子已经一去不复返了,

You've just got to learn from 你刚刚从学习

the wrong things you've done. 你做了错误的事情。

I came off the rebound, started looking around, 我来到了反弹,开始环顾四周,

Figured out it's time to have a little fun. 想通了,是时候有一点点的乐趣。


[Chorus] [合唱]


Well now, if I ever live to be an old man, 现在好了,如果我能活到老的人,

I'm gonna sail down to Martinique. 我要扬帆下降到马提尼克。

I'm gonna buy me a sweat stained Bogart suit 我要去给我买了一身汗染色鲍嘉的西装

and an African parakeet. 和非洲鹦鹉。

And then I'll sit him on my shoulder 然后我就坐在了他我的肩膀上

and open up my trusty old mind. 开拓我信赖的老记。

I'm gonna teach him how to fuss, 我要教他如何大惊小怪,

Teach him how to cuss, 教他坏话,

And pull the cork out of a bottle of wine. 并拉出软木塞拿出一瓶的葡萄酒。


[Chorus] [合唱]


Yeah, I got a Caribbean soul I can barely control 是啊,我有一个加勒比海的灵魂,我可以勉强控制

and some Texas hidden here in my heart. 有的德克萨斯这里隐藏着我的心脏。

歌词 Migration 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/migration-1/

歌词 Migration 的作者与版权信息:


Jimmy Buffett


Duchess Music Corp.