歌词 "Michicant" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BON IVER

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age 我不怕,我是一个男孩,我是小小年纪

melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page melic在赤身露体,就知道一个湖,并提请阁楼的页面

hurdle all the waitings up, know it wasn’t wedded love 关所有的waitings了,知道这是不是爱结婚

4 long minutes end and it was over it’d all be back 长4分钟结束,就结束了它会全部回来

and the frost took up the eyes 和霜拿起眼睛


pressed against the pane could see the veins and there was poison out 按压在窗格可以看到静脉和有毒物出

resting in a raze the inner claims I hadn’t breadth to shake 搁在刮去内层索赔我没有广度动摇

searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout 寻找内部的影响力,可能不会采取另一种较量

honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain 蜂蜜中的硬朗可以填补少爱虚浮的相形见绌

hon, it wasn’t yet the spring 汉,这是没有春天


aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out 瞄准并击沉,我们都喝醉了,我们已经跃然纸上出来

nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out 鼻子在地球仪,你永远不知道你是否传递出

no it wasn’t maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck 不,它不是处女,上升,下降或消失运气

hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause 象牙挂了,两人都爬了更精细的原因

love can hardly leave the room 爱很难离开房间

with your heart 与您的心脏

歌词 Michicant 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/michicant/