歌词 "Meet Me In Memphis" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Meet Me In Memphis



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

He's hold up down on Ramrod Key in the Tavernier Hotel 他倒抱起来就塔维尼埃酒店推弹杆钥匙

Livin' out his loneliness like an oyster in a shell 活着的话他的孤独像一个shell牡蛎

By days he pulls the trap lines 通过几天他拉的陷阱线

By night he lives alone 到了晚上,他一个人住

Don't really feel like company it's just him and his fridge 真的不觉得公司这只是他和他的冰箱

And his phone 而他的电话


Meet Me In Memphis that's where I'll be 见我在孟菲斯这就是我会

I'm by the river please come back to me 我在河边请回到我身边

Meet Me In Memphis my wild days are through 见我在孟菲斯我的野生日子过

And nothin' replaces me next to you 别无他物取代我在你身边


He's been there since she ran away 他在那里,因为她跑了

She said, "She needs some space" 她说:“她需要一些空间”

Occasionally she still calls collect 偶尔她还呼吁收集

From some god forsaken place 从一些神离弃的地方


Then one day a letter came 后来有一天,来了一封信

Postmarked Tennessee 田纳西州的邮戳

And the envelope scent 和包络香味

And the postage spent 而花邮资

Well it lit up her old memory 那么它照亮了她的旧记忆


Meet Me In Memphis that's what she said 见我在孟菲斯那是什么,她说:

Too much for a letter please come here instead 太多了一封信,请来到这里,而不是

Meet Me In Memphis my wild days are through 见我在孟菲斯我的野生日子过

Still nothing replaces me next to you 仍然没有取代我在你身边


I know she could break my heart again 我知道她可能会再次打破我的心脏

But I'm gonna play and I'm gonna win 不过,我要玩,我会赢

Where Otis would play 凡奥的斯将扮演

Da da da dock of the bay 海湾哒哒哒码头


Meet Me In Memphis that's where I'll be 见我在孟菲斯这就是我会

I'm by the river you're by the sea 我对你的海河边

(Oh please) Meet Me in Memphis my wild days are through (拜托)迎接我在孟菲斯我的野生日子过

Still nothing replaces me next to you. 仍然没有取代我在你旁边。

歌词 Meet Me In Memphis 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/meet-me-in-memphis/

歌词 Meet Me In Memphis 的作者与版权信息:


Jimmy Buffett


Coral Reefer Music