歌词 "Meantime Girl" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Meantime Girl



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

On a Monday afternoon 在星期一的下午

I'm stopped at a light on the boulevard 我停在光线的林荫大道

I'm looking 'round the faces in the other cars 我期待轮在等车的面孔

and there's a cute girl looking back at me 并有一个可爱的女孩回头看我

the light's about to change 光的即将改变

I know this is a little strange 我知道这是有点怪

but in the meantime 但在此期间

she will be my girl 她将是我的女孩

in the meantime 同时

I promise her the world 我答应了她的世界

in the meantime 同时

I'm hers and she is mine 我是她的,她是我的

I finally find the perfect girl 我终于找到完美的女孩

and I am pressed for time ,我赶时间

in the meantime 同时

I turn on the radio 我打开收音机

just looking for a song and I drift away 只是寻找一首歌,我渐行渐远

the light is still a ruby red 光线仍然是一个宝石红

as the music plays 作为音乐剧

and I keep hoping she just looks my way 我一直希望她只是看起来我的方式

she finally does and smiles at me 她终于不和我微笑

and I want so bad to ask her please 我想那么坏,问她请

in the meantime 同时

will you be my girl 你会是我的女孩

in the meantime 同时

I promise you the world 我答应你的世界

in the meantime 同时

I'm yours and you are mine 我是你的,你是我的

ya I finally find the perfect girl 雅我终于找到完美的女孩

and I am pressed for time ,我赶时间

in the meantime 同时

she pulls away 她抽离

there goes my girl but she made my day 还有我的女孩,但她让我很快乐

ya I'll see you in another lifetime 雅我会看到你在另一个一生

but if you don't mind 但如果你不介意

you don't mind 你不介意

in the meantime ya yeah 在此期间,雅耶

you will be my girl 你会成为我的女孩

in the meantime 同时

I promised you the world 我答应过你的世界。

in the meantime 同时

I'm yours and you are mine 我是你的,你是我的

be my meantime girl 是我的女孩同时

be my meantime girl oh oooooh 当我同时女孩哦,哇,

be my meantime girl yeah 当我同时女孩耶

be my meantime girl yeah 当我同时女孩耶

you know you wanna 你知道你想要

be my meantime girl 是我的女孩同时

you know you wanna 你知道你想要

be my meantime girl yeah 当我同时女孩耶

you know you wanna 你知道你想要

be my meantime girl 是我的女孩同时

歌词 Meantime Girl 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/meantime-girl/