歌词 "Mayonnaise" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:ACADEMY IS..., THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Fool enough to almost be it 笨到差不多吧

Cool enough to not quite see it 足爽不太看它

Doomed 注定

Pick your pockets full of sorrow 选择你的口袋里充满了悲伤

And run away with me tomorrow 而明天跑掉与我

June 六月

We'll try and ease the pain 我们会尽量减轻痛苦

But somehow we'll feel the same 但不知何故,我们有同样的感觉

Well, no one knows 好了,没有人知道

Where our secrets go 在那里我们去的秘密

I send a heart to all my dearies 我送一个心脏给我所有的dearies

When your life is so, so dreary 当你的生活是如此,那么沉闷


I'm rumored to the straight and narrow 我据传循规蹈矩

While the harlots of my perils 虽然我危险的妓女

Scream 呐喊

And I fail 而我失败

But when I can, I will 但是,当我可以,我会

Try to understand 试着去了解

That when I can, I will 当我可以,我会

Mother weep the years I'm missing 母亲哭了年我错过

All our time can't be given 我们所有的时间不能给出

Back 返回

Shut my mouth and strike the demons 闭上我的嘴和罢工的恶魔

That cursed you and all your reasons 那诅咒你和你的理由

Out of hand and out of season 伸出手和过季

Out of love and out of feeling 出于爱进出的感觉

So bad 如此糟糕

When I can, I will 如果我可以,我会

Words defy the plans 也就是说违抗计划

When I can, I will 如果我可以,我会

Fool enough to almost be it 笨到差不多吧

And cool enough to not quite see it 够冷静地不太看它

And old enough to always feel this 和老得足以总觉得这

Always old, I'll always feel this 总是旧的,我会一直觉得这

No more promise no more sorrow 没有更多的承诺,没有更多的悲伤

No longer will I follow 不再将我跟随

Can anybody hear me 任何人都可以听到我

I just want to be me 我只想做我自己

When I can, I will 如果我可以,我会

Try to understand 试着去了解

That when I can, I will 当我可以,我会

歌词 Mayonnaise 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mayonnaise/