歌词 "Masamune" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

As I slip away... thoughts rushing through me. 正如我悄悄溜走......思绪冲通过我。

Angelic call? 天使般的电话吗?

Or a demon that's calling my name? 还是那妖的叫我的名字?

Enter the intrepid state. 进入无畏的状态。

Enter beyond what is seen to the spiritual stream of the vacant. 输入超出了被看作是空的精神流。


Shot from the mind of the physical, leaving flesh behind. 从物理的心态出手,留下的肉体后面。

Rejected by the holy gate. 由圣门拒绝。

I will not be directed! 我不会执导!

The course of ancient power, it will follow. 古代权力的过程中,它会随之而来。

Fall with me. 秋季和我在一起。


Dark and grim for a memory. 黑暗和可怕的记忆。

Measuring all the glory as it seemed. 衡量一切的荣耀,因为它似乎。

Was it enough for eternity? 是不是够永恒?

Foolish schemes for a destiny lined with dreams all came crashing down on me. 为内衬梦想的命运愚蠢的计划,所有来到我轰然倒下。

What will become of the energy? 会变成什么样的能量?


Cast away. 抛弃。

I feel the heavens slowly turning gray. 我觉得天空慢慢变白。

Colors seem to fade. 颜色似乎褪色。

As the morning star surrounds the angels sing. 由于晨星包围天使在唱歌。


Salvation is so far from unholy realms of the filth infestation. 救恩是如此远离藏污纳垢滋生的邪恶领域。

Torture the life death-bound in wretched ways. 酷刑致死的生活结合在猥琐的方式。

Repent or revenge? 悔改或报复吗?


There's no pardon for a meddling soul 有没有原谅一个爱管闲事的灵魂

Somewhere in time we welcomed in the fall, now in the distance I can see shining, clear, our demise to be... 时光倒流,我们在秋天远处的欢迎,现在我可以看到闪闪发光,清晰,我们的死亡是...


We're not listening to ourselves. 我们不听自己。

歌词 Masamune 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/masamune/