歌词 "Mandy Goes To Med School" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mandy Goes To Med School



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been feeling dull as a coat hanger 我一直感觉沉闷衣架

Pretty as a picture of a patient on a fresh iv 漂亮的病人在静脉新鲜的图片

Giddy as a gangbanger with a set of sutures where his magic johnson ought to be 轻浮与一组缝线的痞子,他的魔术师约翰逊应该是


Yes i'll tell you just the thing you need to be the next big thing 是的,我会告诉你刚才的事情,你需要成为下一件大事

Let's start in with a test of your intelligence 让我们开始与你的智力测验

And zest for the counter-productive 和热情的反效果

Up and down and roundabout and out the back 上下迂回,走出后门

And keep your mouth shut tight 并把你的嘴紧闭

The lights are staying out but no sweat I've got aim like a mack truck 灯都在外面,但无汗我有目标像麦克卡车

Guess how many fingers ok guess how many more i can fit there 猜猜有多少手指OK猜多少我能适应那里

Guess right get the toaster but you know, miss, guessing gets you nowhere 猜对获得烤面包机,但你知道,小姐,猜无处可以让你


I've been baking cakes for the enemy 我一直在烤蛋糕的敌人

I've been dying to find out the hard way 我一直渴望找出硬盘的方式

Ive been taking friends to the alleyway 我一直以朋友的小巷

Two down now but who's counting anyway? 两下,但现在谁的票呢?


Yes I can do everything you need from out of my new SUV 是的,我可以做你可以从我的新SUV车型所需要的一切

All my work is guaranteed to last the length of your recovery 我所有的工作是保证持续的复苏的长度

Put away those pliers honey trust me cause I know the options 收起那些钳子蜂蜜信任我,因为我知道这个选项

How about a nine-month long vacation and a two-foot coffin 如何九个月长假和两英尺棺材


I've been getting up close and intimate 我已经得到了接近和亲密

Some close calls but I'm getting into it 有些收市话费,但我进入这

In some states they say you can burn for it 在一些国家,他们说,你可以燃烧吧

But ill burn that bridge when i get to it 但生病刻录桥,当我得到它


It's not a bad thing 这不是一件坏事

To get professional 要获得专业

It's got a nice ring 它有一个有缘人

Mandy goes to med school 小敏去上学MED


I've been taking tips from the government 我一直在服用的提示来自政府

I've been getting damn good at hiding it 我已经得到该死善于隐藏它

Fifty bucks a month ought to cover it 每月50美元应该覆盖它

Two down now but who's gonna notice it? 目前两人下来,但谁的要注意的呢?

And if you show up and I am unavailable 如果你出现了,我无法使用

My partner brian would love to take care of you 我的搭档布莱恩很想照顾你

He is a nice man 他是个好人

Thoroughly reliable 足以信赖

He's in a rock band 他是在一个摇滚乐队

And he goes to med school..... 和他去上学地中海.....

歌词 Mandy Goes To Med School 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mandy-goes-to-med-school/

歌词 Mandy Goes To Med School 的作者与版权信息:


Amanda Palmer


Eight Foot Music