歌词 "Malia" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What was there in that flower you gave me? 那儿有什么在你给我的花?

Perhaps a love potion, a mysterious powe! 也许爱情魔药,一个神秘的鲍威!

As I touched it, my heart trembled, 我摸了一下,我的心脏颤抖,

its perfume troubled my thoughts! 它的香水困扰我的想法!

What was there in your delicate movements? 那儿有什么在你细腻的动作?

Do you bring magic charm with you? 你带来的神奇魅力与你?

The air quivers wherever you go, 空气中颤抖无论你走到哪里,

a flower springs at your feet as you pass! 一花泉在你的脚下,你通过了!


I do not ask in which blessed region 我不要求在祝福区

you have lived until now: 你一直住到现在为止:

I do not ask if you are a nymph, a fairy 如果你是仙女,我不问了,童话

or a fair apparition! 或一个公平的幻影!

But what is there in your fateful glance? 但是,什么是有你的致命一目了然?

What is there in your magical glance? 有什么在你的魔法看一眼?

What is there in your magical words? 有什么在你的神奇的话?

When you look at me, rapture overwhelms me, 当你看着我,狂喜淹没了我,

when you speak to me, I feel as if I am dying! 当你跟我说话,我觉得如果我要死了!

歌词 Malia 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/malia/

歌词 Malia 的作者与版权信息:


Lorin Maazel


Sugar Musik Verlags Gmbh