歌词 "Magic Carpet Ride" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Magic Carpet Ride



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Let me take you to the far away places 让我带你到很远的地方

Where you've never been to the orient lands 在这里你从来没有到过东方的土地

Soon you will notice the mountains and forests 很快你会发现山林

We're flying over them now 我们飞过他们现在


Don't you be afraid, just take my hand 难道你不害怕,只是把我的手

as we race with four winds 因为我们有四个风赛

Welcome to the land of mystery 欢迎来到神秘的土地

Welcome to the land of secrets 欢迎来到秘密之地

This is no ancient history 这不是古代历史

We are flying through the gates of Babylon 我们通过巴比伦之门飞


Allah is speaking us all with his mighty voice 真主是说我们都用他有力的声音

Bowing to his power as we go down 迫于他的力量,因为我们走下来

This magic carpet ride is not a dream to us 此乘坐魔毯不是梦我们

It's really happening 它真的发生了

歌词 Magic Carpet Ride 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/magic-carpet-ride-1/

歌词 Magic Carpet Ride 的作者与版权信息:


Robert Clivilles, Norman Cook, Rushton John Moreve, Bryon Cole David, John Kay


Polygram Music Publishing Ltd. Gb, Kings Road Music, David Cole Pub. Designee, Edition Shark'S Rocking, Duchess Music Corp., WB Music Corp.