歌词 "Magdalene" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Magdalene, are you thinking of the gentle man 抹大拉,你在想温柔的男人

Who turned your life around 谁把你的生活

Magdalene. did he leave you any reason to go on 抹大拉。他才离开你任何理由去

Magdalene, does it make it any better 抹大拉的,它使任何好转

That you know he really loved you 你知道他真的爱你

Magdalene, all your sins have been forgiven, and he's gone. 抹大拉,所有的罪都被赦免了,他走了。


Magdalene, did he give you back the freedom 抹大拉的,他给你回的自由

To be something you believe in 是你相信的东西

Magdalene, are you strong enough to make it on your own 抹大拉,你强大到足以让你自己

Magdalene, I believe he loved you deeper 抹大拉的,我相信他爱你更深

Than you ever dreamed of loving 比你想象的爱

Magdalene, and nobody ever left you so alone. 抹大拉的,也没有人离开过你这么孤单。


Oh, Magdalene ... 哦,抹大拉...


Magdalene, are the shadows in the stillness 抹大拉,在寂静的阴影

Of the evening full of tears 晚上充满了泪水

Do you wonder how much sorrow you can hold 难道你不知道你能有多少悲伤举行

Are you haunted by the ghost of something 你用的什么鬼作祟

Gone but not forgotten 走了,但没有忘记

Will it fill the empty silence when you're old. 这将填补空白的沉默,当你老了。


Magdalene, are you thinking of the gentle man 抹大拉,你在想温柔的男人

Who turned your life around 谁把你的生活

Magdalene. did he leave you any reason to go on 抹大拉。他才离开你任何理由去

Magdalene, I believe he loved you deeper 抹大拉的,我相信他爱你更深

Than you ever dreamed of loving 比你想象的爱

Magdalene, all your sins have been forgiven, and he's gone. 抹大拉,所有的罪都被赦免了,他走了。

歌词 Magdalene 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/magdalene-2/