歌词 "Made-Up Lovesong #43" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Made-Up Lovesong #43

虚构的Lovesong # 43


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do 我爱你,通过火花和闪亮的龙,我做的

Now there's poetry in an empty coke can 现在有诗歌在一个空可乐罐

I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do 我爱你,通过火花和闪亮的龙,我做的

Now there's majesty in a burnt out caravan 现在有威严的烧毁大篷车


You got me off the paper-round 你让我落纸轮

Just sprang out of the air 刚刚跳了出来,空气中

The best things come from nowhere 最好的东西是从哪儿

I love you, I don't think you care 我爱你,我不认为你不在乎


I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do 我爱你,通过火花和闪亮的龙,我做的

And the symmetry in your northern grin 而在你北方的笑容对称

I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do 我爱你,通过火花和闪亮的龙,我做的

I can see myself in the refill litter bin 我可以看到自己的笔芯垃圾桶


You got me off the sofa 你让我从沙发

Just sprang out of the air 刚刚跳了出来,空气中

The best things come from nowhere 最好的东西是从哪儿

I can't believe you care 我不能相信你在乎


Yes, I believe you 是的,我相信你

Yes, I believe you 是的,我相信你

Yes, I believe you 是的,我相信你

歌词 Made-Up Lovesong #43 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/made-up-lovesong-43/

歌词 Made-Up Lovesong #43 的作者与版权信息:


Fyfe Dangerfield Hutchins


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.