歌词 "Made Of Glass" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Made Of Glass



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Fire me in an oven 向我开炮的烘箱中

Until I go hard enough 直到我去够硬

To deal with losing you 为应对失去你

I'm tired of thinking of you 我已经厌倦了你的思维

Each and every minute I see 每分钟喔

Something I know that you'd love 这是我知道你会喜欢


We're all made of glass 我们都用玻璃制成的

All made of glass 所有的玻璃制

Cheating ourselves to believe we'll be last 欺骗自己,相信我们会在最后一

Like a fool, I thought it was true 像个傻瓜一样,我还以为是真的

I was holding your flowers 我拿着你的花

If only you knew 如果只有你知道


A diary fills it's pages 日记填充它的页面

With one eye on the clock 用一只眼睛上的时钟

How long?, how long? 多久?多久?

Have we got 我们得到了

Until we're everything we ought to be-eeeeeeee 直到我们的一切,我们应当- EEEEEEEE

Terrified, while the picture of dignity 尊严吓坏了,而图片

Come eat with me, at the table of this life 快来和我一起吃饭,在这个人生的表


All made of glass 所有的玻璃制

All made of glass 所有的玻璃制

Yes, we're all made of glass 是的,我们都用玻璃制成的

all made of glass 所有的玻璃制

cheating ourselves to believe we'll be last 欺骗自己,相信我们会在最后一

Like a fool, I thought it was true 像个傻瓜一样,我还以为是真的

I was holding your flowers 我拿着你的花

If only you knew 如果只有你知道

If only you knew 如果只有你知道

歌词 Made Of Glass 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/made-of-glass-1/

歌词 Made Of Glass 的作者与版权信息:


Katie Tunstall


Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Uk) Limited