歌词 "Mad At Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mad At Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Tonight he got mad at me 今晚,他在我生气了

I didn't get in till 3 我没有得到,直到3

And now I said I'd be 现在我说,我会

Got bored dancing all on my own 我自己厌倦跳舞

I try to get you home 我试着让你的家

No sitting on my phone 没有坐在我的手机


He took my hand and closed the door 他拉着我的手,并关上了门

I pushed him up against the wall 我把他顶在墙上

And he can't resist 他无法抗拒

I promise it was just one kiss baby 我保证这是只是一个亲亲宝贝

We can move on to laying in 我们可以继续铺设

Put it in a box laying it 把它放在一个盒子铺设

I wanna say I was so lonely 我想说我是如此孤独

It was one night only 这只是一个晚上

Put it I a box, phone me 穿上它,我一个盒子,我打电话

Not one mistake 不是一个错误

So are you mad at me, mad at me? 那么,你气死我了,气死我了?

Was it so bad of me, bad of me? 是不是这么差的我,坏我吗?


Oh baby you'll make it worse 哦,宝贝,你就会使情况变得更糟

You know you always come first 你知道你永远是第一位

Imagine it in reverse, in reverse 想象一下,在倒车时,反向

Hey what do you take me for? 嘿,你怎么把我的?

You kissed that girl next door 你吻了邻家女孩

As you did it all before, before 正如你之前做了这一切,才


He took my hand and closed the door 他拉着我的手,并关上了门

I pushed him up against the wall 我把他顶在墙上

And he can't resist 他无法抗拒

I promise it was just one kiss baby 我保证这是只是一个亲亲宝贝

We can move on to laying in 我们可以继续铺设

Put it in a box laying it 把它放在一个盒子铺设

I wanna say I was so lonely 我想说我是如此孤独

It was one night only 这只是一个晚上

Put it I a box, phone me 穿上它,我一个盒子,我打电话

Not one mistake 不是一个错误

So are you mad at me, mad at me? 那么,你气死我了,气死我了?

Was it so bad of me, bad of me? 是不是这么差的我,坏我吗?


So are you mad so mad at me 所以,你疯了这么生我的气

So why you mad so mad at me? 那么,为什么你这么狂生我的气?

It was just one kiss baby 这是只是一个亲亲宝贝

We can move on to laying in 我们可以继续铺设

Put it in a box laying it 把它放在一个盒子铺设

I wanna say I was so lonely 我想说我是如此孤独

It was one night only 这只是一个晚上

Put it I a box, phone me 穿上它,我一个盒子,我打电话

Not one mistake 不是一个错误

So are you mad at me, mad at me? 那么,你气死我了,气死我了?

Was it so bad of me, bad of me? 是不是这么差的我,坏我吗?

So are you mad of me, mad of me? 那么,你疯了我,我疯了?

Was it so bad of me, bad of me? 是不是这么差的我,坏我吗?

So why you mad at me, so mad at me? 那么,为什么你生我的气,所以生我的气?

So why you mad at me, so mad at me? 那么,为什么你生我的气,所以生我的气?

歌词 Mad At Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mad-at-me-1/

歌词 Mad At Me 的作者与版权信息:


Diana Vickers


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.