歌词 "Lying" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'll tell you something about an hour ago 我要告诉你一小时前的东西

I see you with someone I don't even know 我看到你与别人我不知道

I caught you lying -- Yeah, you were lying 我抓到你说谎 - 是啊,你在撒谎

Ooh lying 哦卧

I get the feeling from the look on your face 我是从你的脸上的表情得到的感觉

When it comes down, you're a disgrace 当它发生的,你是一个耻辱

You should be trying -- You're always lying 你应该尝试 - 你总是撒谎

I caught you lying 我抓到你说谎

All day and all of the night 整天的夜晚

I've been wondering why 我一直想知道为什么

All of the times you stayed away 所有你避之不及的时代

Everyone knew but I 每个人都知道,但我

Take your reasons through that door 通过那扇门把你的理由

Don't come calling anymore 不要打电话来了

I can fight you I can't win 我可以打你,我赢不了

I don't know what game you're playin' 不知什么游戏你玩不

You don't even notice -- You don't even care 你甚至不会注意到 - 你甚至不关心

I see you with someone -- I don't think that's fair 我看你和某人 - 我不认为这是公平的

When I'm walking through streets at night 当我通过在夜晚的街道行走

Don't know their names 不知道他们的名字

I come back to find you playing one of your games 我回来找你玩你的游戏之一

Lying, yeah you were lying 说谎,是你在撒谎

I caught you lying 我抓到你说谎

But baby - All day, all of the night 但是亲爱的 - 所有的日子,所有的夜晚

I've been wondering why 我一直想知道为什么

All of the things you said you were 所有的事情,你说你是

I know the reason why 我知道原因

So, take your reasons through that door 因此,采取通过那扇门你的理由

Don't come calling anymore 不要打电话来了

I can't fight you I can't win 我不打你,我赢不了

I don't know what game your playin' 我不知道是什么游戏你弹唱“


Lying, lying 躺,卧

But baby - All day, all of the night 但是亲爱的 - 所有的日子,所有的夜晚

I've been wondering why 我一直想知道为什么

All of the things you told to me 所有你告诉我的事

I know they were a lie 我知道他们是骗人的

Take your reasons through that door 通过那扇门把你的理由

Don't come calling anymore 不要打电话来了

I can't fight you I can't win 我不打你,我赢不了

I don't know what game you're playin' 不知什么游戏你玩不

歌词 Lying 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lying-1/

歌词 Lying 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Kenneth Frampton


Almo Music Corp., Comboplate Music