歌词 "Luigi & The Wise Guys" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Luigi & The Wise Guys



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You-you-you-ooo 你 - 你 - 你 - 噢噢

Look like a dor-r-r-k 看起来像一个DOR -R -R -K

You act like a dork 你表现得像个白痴

Most of the time, also 大多数时候,也

You're a dor-r-r-r-k 你是个DOR -R -R -R -K

You are a double-dork butt rash 你是一个双白痴对接皮疹

You are a dork, dork, dork, dor-r-r-r-k! 你是个白痴,白痴,白痴, DOR -R -R -R -K !

Nobody wants to ... 没有人愿意...

You are boring . . . you have nothing to say 你是无聊。 。 。你有什么可说的

You eat cheese - you eat cheese and other things 你吃的奶酪 - 你吃奶酪和其他的东西

You can can wrap up an' take with you 您可以可以包装了一个“随身携带

From the table 从表

With Luigi & The Wise Guys at the table 与路易吉与智者家伙表

You are a dork 你是个白痴

You're a dork, dork, dork, dor-r-r-r-k 你是个白痴,白痴,白痴, DOR -R -R -R -K

A double-dork butt rash 的双白痴对接皮疹

There's one in every crew - do you know 还有一个在每一个工作人员 - 你知道

who you are? We know, but we won't tell you 你是谁?我们知道,但我们不会告诉你

We don't want to hurt your feelings 我们不想伤害你的感情

But you're a dor-r-r-r-k! 但你是DOR -R -R -R -K !

Might as well admit it 还不如承认

When you're a dork 当你是一个白痴

You're a dork, by the way 你是个白痴,顺便

You're a dork 你是个白痴

A double

A double dork butt rash 双白痴屁股红疹

A double butt rash dork 双臀部皮疹白痴

Luigi & The Wise Guys at the table 路易吉与智者家伙表

You look like a dork 你看起来像一个白痴

Look like a dork 看起来像一个白痴

You act like a dork most of the time 你表现得像个白痴的大部分时间

You're a dor-r-r-r-k 你是个DOR -R -R -R -K

Double dork 双白痴

Double dork 双白痴

Double dork butt rash 双白痴屁股红疹

歌词 Luigi & The Wise Guys 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/luigi-the-wise-guys/