歌词 "Lucifer's Eyes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lucifer's Eyes


歌词相关歌手:BAEZ, JOAN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You are fair-haired, oh, your lips are red 您是金发,呵呵,你的嘴唇是红色的

You like softball, oh, and the Grateful Dead 你喜欢垒球,哦,还有感恩的死者

Why am I attracted to 为什么我吸引到

The body and the mind of you? 身体和你的心灵?


You mean trouble, oh, with your Lucifer's eyes 你的意思是麻烦,呵呵,你路西法的眼睛

And make me daydream, oh, and fantasize 并让我遐想,呵呵,幻想

Running through a field of flames 通过火焰的领域运行

Playing our forbidden game 玩我们的游戏禁止


Camouflaging all, you pass me in the hall 所有的伪装,你通过我在大厅里

Leaving me standing naked with my feelings 留下我一个人站在赤裸的与我的感情

Did you see me here, swallowing my tears? 你有没有看到我在这里,吞咽我的眼泪?

Everything that was solid now is reeling 一切,现在是固体缫丝


Ah, but I know you, oh, and you know me, too 嗯,但我知道你,哦,你知道我也是

You know the closet, oh, that I share with you 你知道衣柜里,哦,那我与你分享

There are places we could go 还有我们可以去的地方

No one would ever, ever know 没有人会永远,永远知道


Let's try real time, oh, come sit on my bed 让我们试着实时,哦,来坐在我的床上

We'll share our lifetimes, oh, and the Grateful Dead 我们将分享我们的有生之年,哦,还有感恩的死者

歌词 Lucifer's Eyes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lucifer_s-eyes/