歌词 "Lovers From The Moon" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lovers From The Moon



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They say everyone you touch turns to gold 他们说,大家你摸变成金

They say we're too young I think we're too old 他们说我们太年轻,我认为我们太旧

Ugly as sin, pale, and thing 丑陋的罪恶,脸色苍白,一点

They've been wrong before 他们之前已经错了


They say you're a frog prince swollen with pride 他们说,你是青蛙王子肿骄傲

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride 永远的伴娘,从来没有一个新娘

Getting confused in Santa Cruz 圣克鲁斯感到困惑

Living in a dream 生活在梦中


Touching across the room like lovers from the moon 在房间里摸象从月之恋人

Dancing all night to the tune of lovers from the moon 跳舞通宵爱好者的曲调从月球


I'm not afraid to walk hand in hand 我不害怕携手同行

I think we were made to lie in the sand 我认为,我们所做趴在沙滩上

Decadently by the sea, under the sun 颓废的大海,在阳光下


Touching across the room like lovers from the moon 在房间里摸象从月之恋人

Dancing all night to the tune of lovers from the moon 跳舞通宵爱好者的曲调从月球

歌词 Lovers From The Moon 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lovers-from-the-moon/