歌词 "Lover Of The Light" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lover Of The Light



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

And in the middle of the night 而在半夜

I may watch you go 我可能看你走

There'll be no value in the strength 有会在实力没有价值

Of walls that I have grown 我已经长大墙

There'll be no comfort in the shade 再也没有舒适性,在阴凉处

Of the shadows thrown 甩阴影

But I'd be yours if you'd be mine 不过,我会是你的,如果你是我的


Stretch out my life 伸出我的生活

And pick the seams out 并挑选出接缝处

Take what you like 把你喜欢的东西

But close my ears and eyes 但接近我的耳朵和眼睛

Watch me stumble over and over 看我绊了个遍


I had done wrong 我做错了

You build your tower 你建立你的塔

But call me home 但叫我回家

And I will build a throne 我将建立一个宝座

And wash my eyes out never again 也再没有洗我的眼睛


But love the one you hold 但爱你抱一个

And I'll be your goal 我会是你的目标

To have and to hold 拥有和持有

A lover of the lights 的灯光情人


With skin too tight 皮肤太紧

And eyes like marbles 而眼睛像弹珠

You spin me high 你旋转我高

So watch me as I glide 所以,看我,我滑翔

Before I tumble homeward, homeward 在我回家的翻滚,向家


I know I tried 我知道我试过

I was not stable 我是不是稳定

And flawed by pride 和有缺陷的骄傲

I miss my sanguine eyes 我想念我的乐观的眼睛

So hold my hands up - breathe in and breathe out 所以,握住我的手 - 吸气和吐气


So love the one you hold 所以,爱你拥抱的那个人

And I'll be your goal 我会是你的目标

To have and to hold 拥有和持有

A lover of the lights 的灯光情人


And in the middle of the night 而在半夜

I may watch you go 我可能看你走

There'll be no value in the strength 有会在实力没有价值

Of walls that I have grown 我已经长大墙

There'll be no comfort in the shade 再也没有舒适性,在阴凉处

Of the shadows thrown 甩阴影

You may not trust the promises 你可能不相信承诺

Of the change I'll show 的变化我会告诉

But I'd be yours if you'd be mine 不过,我会是你的,如果你是我的


So love the one you hold 所以,爱你拥抱的那个人

And I'll be your goal 我会是你的目标

To have and to hold 拥有和持有

A lover of the lights 的灯光情人


So love the one you hold 所以,爱你拥抱的那个人

And I will be your goal 我将是你的目标

To have and to hold 拥有和持有

A lover of the lights 的灯光情人

歌词 Lover Of The Light 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lover-of-the-light/

歌词 Lover Of The Light 的作者与版权信息:


Edward James Milton Dwane, Marcus Oliver Johnstone Mumford, Benjamin Walter David Lovett, Winston Aubrey Aladar Marshall


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.