歌词 "Loved" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Once again I bare myself before you 我再一次袒露自己之前,你

Beggin' for a chance we never had 开始的机会,我们从未有过

You don’t want all I have to offer 你不希望我所提供的

And its too late for me to take it back 而其为时已晚我把它收回


Look at where you always leave us standing 看看,你永远离开我们站在

Between all the way and not quite close enough 一路不是很足够接近的

There could be a place you dont believe in 有可能是你不相信的地方

If you would only let yourself be loved 如果你只会让自己被爱


Im the one who seems to keep you smiling IM是一个谁似乎让你微笑

And I'd be more if you'd take the dare 而且我会更多,如果你拿敢

The two of us, we're really children hiding 我们两个人,我们真的躲在儿童

Underneath the armor that we wear 下面,我们穿的铠甲


And these walls...aren't so tall 而这些墙壁......都没有这么高

That we're climbing 我们正在攀


[chorus] [合唱]


So many hearts who'll never even 这么多人的心,谁就会永远连

Have the chance to hold 有机会持有

What you seem to be so willing to let go 你似乎有什么要这么舍得放手

What good is being strong and hiding in some harbor 有什么好处是强大的和隐藏在一些港口

If you and I end up all alone 如果你和我结束了孤独


Look at where you always leave us standing 看看,你永远离开我们站在

Between all the way and not quite close enough 一路不是很足够接近的

I could be what you just won’t believe in 我可以做你就不会相信什么

If you would only let yourself be loved 如果你只会让自己被爱

Baby, wont you let yourself be loved... 宝贝,你不会让自己被爱...

歌词 Loved 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/loved-2/