歌词 "Love Or Confusion" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Or Confusion



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Is that the stars in the sky or is it raining far from now? 是天上的星星或下雨就从现在开始?

Will it burn me if I touch the sun, 将它烧我,如果我接触阳光,

so bit, so round? 如此一下,这么圆?

Will I be truthful, yeah, 我会很诚实的,是啊,

in choosing you as the one for me? 在选择你作为我的唯一?


Is this love baby, 这是爱的宝宝,

or is it-a just confusion? 或者是,一个公正的混乱呢?


Oh, my mind is so mixed up, goin' round 'n' round_ 哦,我的心是如此混淆,布莱恩轮N round_

Must there be all these colors without names, 必须要有所有这些颜色没有名字,

without sounds? 无声音?

My heart burns with feelin' but 我的心脏燃烧时感觉 ,但

Oh! but my mind is cold and reeling. 哦!但我的心是冷的和缫丝。


Is this love, baby 这是爱,宝贝

or is it confusion? 或者是它的混乱呢?


Oh, my head is pounding pounding 哦,我的头被捣捣

going 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round. 将“团团”轮和“团团”轮。

Must there always be these colors? 必须有永远是这些颜色的?

歌词 Love Or Confusion 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-or-confusion/