歌词 "Love Is Reason" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Is Reason



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

My breath was coming fast 我一口气来了快



And as i make a start 而我作为一个起点



You turn to go 你转来转去



oh, oh 哦,哦



I'll do what you want me to 我会做什么,你要我



I'll cry at the thought of the loss of a 我哭了损失的思想



heart 心脏





Love is reason 爱的理由



Love is reason 爱的理由



Love is reason 爱的理由



Love is reason enough 爱是有足够的理由





My morals are changing fast 我的道德是变化快



I told you it wouldn't last 我告诉你,它不会持续



You turn and go 你转身走



oh, oh 哦,哦



I'll be what you want me to be 我会是你想要什么我要



I'd die at the thought of the loss of 我会死在流失的思想



your heart 你的心脏





Love is reason 爱的理由



Love is reason 爱的理由



Love is reason 爱的理由



Love is reason enough 爱是有足够的理由

歌词 Love Is Reason 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-is-reason/

歌词 Love Is Reason 的作者与版权信息:


Pal Waaktaar, Magne


Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Uk) Limited