歌词 "Love Is All" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Is All



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When we come into this world 当我们来到这世界

And we hunger for that touch 而我们寻觅那一抹

From the one that brought us life 从那个带给我们的生活一

From the one that gave so much 从顾不得那么多了一

Innocence will take your hand 童心会牵着你的手

And speak though the one thought in your mind 并说,虽然在你的脑海中一个念头

Don't you know that love is all 难道你不知道,爱是一切

Love is where we all begin 爱是我们都开始

And when we knock on heaven's door 而当我们敲开天堂之门

Only love will let us in 只有爱可以让我们在

And as we gather to ourselves 当我们聚集一堂,我们自己

A part of everything we see 一切的一部分,我们看到

We realize that what we own 我们认识到,我们所拥有的

Isn't what we really need 是不是我们真正需要的

Innocence take my hand 纯真牵着我的手

And speak through the one thought in your mind 并通过说话在你的脑海中一个念头

Don't you know that love is all 难道你不知道,爱是一切

Love is where we all begin 爱是我们都开始

And when we knock on heaven's door 而当我们敲开天堂之门

Only love will let us in 只有爱可以让我们在

Don't you know that love is all 难道你不知道,爱是一切

Love is all that we must do 爱是一切,我们必须做

It is the reason why we live 这就是为什么我们生活的原因

Love is all I have for you 爱是我对你

True love cannot be broken 真正的爱情不能被打破

Through all the tears and pain 通过所有的眼泪和痛苦

Only one truth survives, only one truth remains 真相只有一个幸存,真相只有一个仍

Don't you know that love is all 难道你不知道,爱是一切

Love is where we all begin 爱是我们都开始

And when we knock on heaven's door 而当我们敲开天堂之门

Only love will let us in 只有爱可以让我们在

Don't you know that love is all 难道你不知道,爱是一切

Love is all that we must do 爱是一切,我们必须做

It is the reason why we live 这就是为什么我们生活的原因

Love is all I have for you 爱是我对你

Don't you know that love is all 难道你不知道,爱是一切

Love is where we all begin 爱是我们都开始

And when we knock on heaven's door 而当我们敲开天堂之门

Only love will let us in 只有爱可以让我们在

歌词 Love Is All 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-is-all/