歌词 "Love Is Alive" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Is Alive



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

(G. Wright) (岚)

Well I think it's time to get ready 嗯,我觉得是时候做准备

To realize just what I have been 为了实现这正是我一直

I have been only half of what I am 我一直只有一半的我

It's so clear to me now 它是如此清楚,我现在


My heart is on fire 我的心脏是火

My soul's like a wheel that's turning 我的灵魂像一个轮子的转动

My love is alive 我的爱还活着

My love is alive 我的爱还活着


There's a mirror moving inside my mind 有一个移动的镜子里面我的心

Reflecting the love that you shine on me 体现了爱,你把我照耀

Hold on to that feeling 坚持这种感觉

Let it flow, let it flow 让它流,让它流


My heart is on fire 我的心脏是火

My soul's like a wheel that's turning 我的灵魂像一个轮子的转动

My love is alive 我的爱还活着

My love is alive 我的爱还活着


There's a mirror moving inside my mind 有一个移动的镜子里面我的心

Reflecting the love that you shine on me 体现了爱,你把我照耀

Hold on to that feeling 坚持这种感觉

Let it flow, let it flow 让它流,让它流


My heart is on fire 我的心脏是火

My soul's like a wheel that's turning 我的灵魂像一个轮子的转动

My love is alive 我的爱还活着

My love is alive 我的爱还活着

歌词 Love Is Alive 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-is-alive-2/