歌词 "Love Among The Ruins" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Among The Ruins


歌词相关歌手:10000 MANIACS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The sky was falling, heaven was calling. 天空中坠落,天就打电话。

When danger crashes, rose from the ashes. 当危险事故,玫瑰浴火重生。

Like two statues hidden inside ancient rock, 就像两个雕像隐藏古老的岩石里面,

we were praying for the secrets to unlock. 我们祈求的秘密解开。

And when the sun had turned its back on us, 而当太阳已经背弃了我们,

in the dark our love kept track of us, pushed together by the lack of love. 在黑暗中我们的爱使我们的赛道,因为缺乏爱的共同推高。

We held each other tightly through our hell of dreams. 我们通过我们的梦想地狱持有对方不放。

I still hear the never-endig echo of those screams. 我还听到那些尖叫的永不endig回声。

But it's a life not made for reliving, it's a life that makes your soul forgiving. 但它是一个生命不是为了重温做,这是一个生命,使你的灵魂宽容。

We sealed our bond from the beginning. 我们从一开始就印了我们的债券。

Aching, affection, vulnerable protection; falling, captured, crawling, rapture. 疼痛,亲情,脆弱的保护;下降,捕获,爬行,狂喜。

歌词 Love Among The Ruins 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-among-the-ruins/

歌词 Love Among The Ruins 的作者与版权信息:


Robert N. Buck, Jerome Stanley Augustyniak, Mary Jeanne Ramsey, Jules Shear, Steven E. Gustafson, John C. Lombardo, Dennis Arnold Drew


Giddy Swells, Songs Of Polygram Int. Inc., Juters Music, Universal Music - Mgb Songs