歌词 "Lost!" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Just because I'm losing 只是因为我失去

Doesn't mean I'm lost 并不是说我迷路了

Doesn't mean I'll stop 但这并不意味着我会停下来

Doesn't mean I would cross 但这并不意味着我会穿越


Just because I'm hurting 只是因为我伤害

Doesn't mean I'm hurt 但这并不意味着我很伤心

Doesn't mean I didn't get 但这并不意味着我没有得到

What I deserved 我应得的

No better and no worse 没有更好也没有更坏


I just got lost 我只是迷路了

Every river that I tried to cross 我试图渡过每一条河流

Every door I ever tried was locked 每门我曾经试过被锁

Ohhh and I'm... Phoebe:哦,我...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off 只是等待,直到光泽消退


You might be a big fish 你可能是一条大鱼

In a little pond 在一个小池塘

Doesn't mean you've won 并不意味着你已经赢了

'Cause a long may come “原因很长的可能会

A bigger one 一个更大的


And you'll be lost 而且你会迷失

Every river that you tried to cross 您试图渡过每一条河流

Every gun you ever held went off 你可曾举行一次枪就响了

Ohhh and I'm... Phoebe:哦,我...

Just waiting until the firing stopped 只是等待,直到停止射击

Ohhh and I'm... Phoebe:哦,我...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off 只是等待,直到光泽消退


Ohhh and I... Phoebe:哦,我...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off 只是等待,直到光泽消退

Ohhh and I.. Phoebe:哦,我...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off 只是等待,直到光泽消退

歌词 Lost! 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lost-36/