歌词 "Lord, Keep Me In Mind" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lord, Keep Me In Mind


歌词相关歌手:TREWS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Yah my life has been exciting 呀我的生活一直令人振奋

Done some wrong and then some writing 做了一些错误的,然后一些写作

Got a load I need to lighten 有一个负载,我需要减轻

Heard your offer; sounds inviting 听说您的报价;听起来很吸引人


Lord, won't you keep me in mind? 主啊,你会不会让我在想什么呢?

Lord, keep me in mind 主啊,让我在心中


When the angels start to sing and you're handing out the wings, lord keep me in mind. 当天使开始唱歌,你派的翅膀,主人把我记在心里。


Take me to a better place, far from earth and outer space. 带我去一个更好的地方,远离地球和外太空。

Will you greet me and embrace? Will you recognize my face? 你将迎接我,拥抱?你会认识我的脸?


‘Cause lately, I don't even know myself. Lately, I don't even know myself. “因为最近,我什至不知道我自己。最近,我什至不知道我自己。


Lord, keep me in mind. Lord, keep me in mind. 主啊,让我记在心里。主啊,让我记在心里。


When I'm rising through the mist, 当我穿过雾气升腾,

I hope my name is on your list. Lord, keep me in mind. 我希望我的名字就是你的名单上。主啊,让我记在心里。


I don't wanna be here. Yeah, I'd rather be anywhere. 我不想在这里。是的,我宁愿在任何地方。

But, it's better to be seen than viewed. 不过,最好是被看作比观看。


I thought I had my game worked out. 我原本以为我的游戏制定。

I thought I knew beyond a doubt. 我想我知道毫无疑问。

I thought I'd win the title bout, but now I'm tired of fighting 我想我会赢得冠军较量,但现在我已经厌倦了战斗


Lately, I don't even know myself. 最近,我什至不知道我自己。

Lately, I don't even know myself. 最近,我什至不知道我自己。

Lately, I don't even know myself. 最近,我什至不知道我自己。

Lately, I don't even know myself. 最近,我什至不知道我自己。


Lord, won't you keep me in mind? Lord, keep me in mind. 主啊,你会不会让我在想什么呢?主啊,让我记在心里。


When the angels start to sing and you're handing out the wings 当天使开始唱歌,你派的翅膀

歌词 Lord, Keep Me In Mind 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lord-keep-me-in-mind/