歌词 "Looking For Jack" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Looking For Jack


歌词相关歌手:COLIN HAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Everybody’s always looking for Jack 每个人都一直在寻找杰克

In the fire and in the water 在消防和水

Everybody’s always looking for Jack 每个人都一直在寻找杰克

In the streets and on the corners 在街道和角落


I always wanted to be like Jack 我一直想成为像杰克

He’s as cool as they come 因为他们来他一样酷

Yeah, I always wanted to be like Jack 是啊,我一直想成为像杰克

Still for me, he’s the one 还是对我来说,他是一个


Someday, someday 有一天,有一天

Someday, someday 有一天,有一天


Hear the wind blow through the long grass 听到通过长草风吹

I hear laughter in the night 我听到的笑声在夜色

No revelations as the years pass 随着岁月的流逝无启示

Just disappear from sight 从视线中消失,只


As I grow older, I grow younger 当我长大,我更加年轻

Every day is like a dream 每天都像做梦一样

I wouldn’t go back for a moment 我不会回去了片刻

Except for maybe seventeen 也许除了17


Someday, someday 有一天,有一天

Someday, someday 有一天,有一天


Everybody’s always looking for Jack 每个人都一直在寻找杰克

In the fire and in the water 在消防和水

Everybody’s always looking for Jack 每个人都一直在寻找杰克

In the streets and on the corners 在街道和角落


Yeah, even Jack is always looking for Jack 是啊,即使是杰克一直在寻找杰克

He’s always in another room 他总是在另一个房间

And when I spoke to the woman there 当我跟那个女人有

She said, "He left this afternoon" 她说, “他离开了这个下午”


Someday, someday 有一天,有一天

Someday, someday 有一天,有一天


Someday, someday 有一天,有一天

Someday, someday 有一天,有一天

歌词 Looking For Jack 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/looking-for-jack/