歌词 "Lookin' Out For Number One" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lookin' Out For Number One



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm lookin' out for number one, yeah 我看着的为自己着想,是

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号

Work and slave, sometimes succeed 工作和奴隶,有时成功

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号


I got hot but never got burned 我有热,但从来没有得到烧毁

Well all I know is she should have learned 以及我所知道的是,她应该已经学会

Get too close you'll fall right in 靠得太近,你会在跌倒的权利

You should have known, you can't do that now 你应该知道,你现在不能做到这一点


I see what's goin' on 我看到了什么布莱恩

I've known it all along 我沿着已知的一切

I've seen what's goin' on 我见过的布莱恩


I'm lookin' out for number one, yeah 我看着的为自己着想,是

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号

Work and slave, sometimes succeed 工作和奴隶,有时成功

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号


When I'm hot she says she's not 当我好热,她说她不

Don't get too close, she's over the top 不要太靠近,她的洁癖

Think by now, well, I would have learned 现在想想,嗯,我会学到

She's all talk, I really got burned now 她的一切都是空谈,我真的得到了,现在烧


I see what's goin' on 我看到了什么布莱恩

I've known it all along 我沿着已知的一切

I've seen what's goin' on 我见过的布莱恩

I'm lookin' out for number one, yeah 我看着的为自己着想,是

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号

Work and slave, sometimes succeed 工作和奴隶,有时成功

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号


I'm lookin' out for number one, yeah 我看着的为自己着想,是

I'm lookin' out for number one 我看着出来的头号

Work and slave, sometimes succeed 工作和奴隶,有时成功

I'm lookin' out for number one, yeah, oh yeah 我看着的为自己着想,是啊,哦耶


[Repeat to Coda] [重复,以科达]

歌词 Lookin' Out For Number One 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lookin_-out-for-number-one-1/