歌词 "Look To Your Orb For The Warning" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Look To Your Orb For The Warning



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Going down now 走下去,现在


The mountain screamed three times today 山今天尖叫三倍

I guess it thought it'd like to play 我想这想那会喜欢玩

How much does one have to pay 多少钱一个人均支付

To fry a peak and melt away 炒峰值,融化

Launching titan's breath on mine 开展对矿山巨头的气息

The sweating measure lands on time 出汗土地测量时间


And the old man, down by the river 和老男人,倒在河边

Well he walks up and he walks on down 嗯,他走了,他走下来

To the spaceship that's parked at your doorstep 要的停在你家门口的飞船

And it's waiting to take you away now 而且它等待带你走,现在


Goin' down now 布莱恩下来,现在

Goin' down now 布莱恩下来,现在


Looking for the rate that crowed 寻找那乐得合不拢嘴率

He's hooked up down in Mexico 他迷上了下来墨西哥

Slap my nerve now give me more 巴掌我的神经现在给我更多

It's my disaster friend, not yours 这是我的灾难的朋友,不是你的


And the old man, down by the river 和老男人,倒在河边

Well he walks up and he walks on down 嗯,他走了,他走下来

To the spaceship that's parked at your doorstep 要的停在你家门口的飞船

And it's waiting to take you away now 而且它等待带你走,现在


And the last one, it's down by the river 而最后一个,它的下降江

Where he gets up and he walks on down 在那里,他站起来,他走下来

To the spaceship that's parked at your doorstep 要的停在你家门口的飞船

And it's waiting to take you away now 而且它等待带你走,现在


It's down by the river, it's always this way now 这是倒在河边,它总是现在这样

It's down by the river, it's always this way now 这是倒在河边,它总是现在这样


Going down now 走下去,现在

Going down now 走下去,现在

now, now, now 现在,现在,现在


down, down, down 下来,下来,下来

歌词 Look To Your Orb For The Warning 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/look-to-your-orb-for-the-warning/

歌词 Look To Your Orb For The Warning 的作者与版权信息:


David Wyndorf


Bull God Music Inc., Songs Of Polygram Int. Inc.