歌词 "Look At Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Look At Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm driftin' down the street 我driftin沿着街道

Asking of all I meet 要求所有我遇到的

Don't you know me from somewhere 难道你从什么地方知道我

Hazel eyes and curly hair 淡褐色的眼睛和卷曲的头发

Have you seen me anywhere 你有没有在任何地方看到我

Look at me 看着我

I'm blending into the wall 我融入墙

And I wonder if I'm really here at all 我不知道如果我真的在这里所有的


Time goes by 时间的流逝

So do I 我也是

But no one blinks an eye 但是,没有人眨眼的眼睛

Mirrors aren't reflecting me 镜子是不是反映了我

Laws aren't protecting 法律不保护

And no one's expecting me 也没有人期待我

On the edge 在边缘

I feel like I'm going to fall 我觉得我会下跌

And I wonder if I'll never land at all 我不知道,我永远不会降落在所有


Loneliness comes and stays 寂寞来了,撑

Torturing nights and days 折磨日日夜夜

People stare but cannot speak 人盯,但不能说

Hearts are strong 心是很强的

But tongues are weak 但舌头弱

Maybe all our minds are meek 也许我们所有的思想都温顺

Look at me 看着我

I'm fading into the floor 我正在衰落到地板

And I wonder if I'm living anymore. 我不知道如果我的生活了。

歌词 Look At Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/look-at-me-12/

歌词 Look At Me 的作者与版权信息:


Bobby Darin, Randy Newman


Alley Music Corp., Trio Music Co. Inc.