歌词 "Look At 'Em Fly" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Look At 'Em Fly

看“ EM飞


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A red lady bug 红瓢虫

From out of mid air 从出半空中

Took a break and sat with me 休息了一下,坐在我

Om my rockin' chair 嗡我摇滚的椅子

I looked at her 我看着她

She looked up at me 她抬头看着我

And we both agreeed to let each other 我们都agreeed让对方

Rest in peace 安息

Then it was back to the sky 然后又回到了天空

Oh look at her fly 哦,看她飞

Like that mama bluebird 这样的妈妈蓝鸟

Protecting her kids 保护她的孩子们

And those dendelion wishes 而那些dendelion愿望

Flostin in the wind Flostin在风

A few bumble bees buzzin' by 一些熊蜂buzzin “通过

O look at 'em fly Ø看时间飞

Its amazind what you see 其amazind你所看到的

When you stop and look at things 当你停下来看待事物

Well thats all it took 好了这就是所有的花

I got to thinkin' 'bout things 我开始在想回合的事情

You know years are like those bees 你知道几年都是这样的蜜蜂

And dandelion seeds 和蒲公英的种子

Gone in the blink of an eye 走在眨眼

Oh look at 'em fly 哦,看在时间飞

Its amazing what you see 其惊人的你所看到的

When you stop and look at things 当你停下来看待事物


Well looky there 好了听我说有

Another red ladybug 另一种红瓢虫

From out of mid air 从出半空中

Took a break and sat with me 休息了一下,坐在我

On my rockin' chair 我的摇滚椅


La da da dum 拉哒哒达姆

La da da da la da da da dum 拉哒哒哒啦哒哒哒达姆

La da da dum, la da da dum 拉哒哒达姆,拉哒哒达姆

La da da da la da da da dum 拉哒哒哒啦哒哒哒达姆

歌词 Look At 'Em Fly 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/look-at-_em-fly/