歌词 "Long-Forgotten Fairytale" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Long-Forgotten Fairytale



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If someone told me you'd be here 如果有人告诉我,你会在这里

whispering these familiar things 窃窃私语这些熟悉的东西

talking to my little pets 跟我的小宠物

smoking the same old cigarettes 吸烟同样的老香烟

I would have laughed 我会笑了


I saw you last in summertime 我上次见到你在夏季

You said you hated long goodbyes 你说你讨厌漫长的告别

You said there's nothing to explain 你说有没有什么解释

in every life a little rain 在每一个人生下了点雨

et cetera 等等


And a long-forgotten fairytale 和一个长期被遗忘的童话

is in your eyes again 是你的眼睛再

and I'm caught inside a dream world 而且我抓到里面的梦幻世界

where the colors are too intense 那里的颜色太强烈

and nothing is making sense 并没有什么决策意识

There's a floating town of eiderdown 有羽绒的浮镇

in a mist of mystery 在谜雾

There's an old enchanted castle 有一个古老的魔法的城堡

and the princess there is me 和公主有我呢

decked out like a Christmas tree 挂满了像圣诞树


I guess you've had your little joke 我猜你有你的小笑话

but I have lost my sense of humor 但我已经失去了我的幽默感

My medication's wearing off 我的药物的逐渐消失

or it's just not strong enough 或者它只是不够不强

to cover this 来弥补这一


and then you kiss me like before 然后你吻我像以前一样

and I find myself wanting more 我多么希望自己更

and you tell that little lie 你告诉那个小谎

that kept me hypnotized: 这让我沉醉其中:

another kiss... 另一个吻...


And a long-forgotten fairytale 和一个长期被遗忘的童话

is in your eyes again 是你的眼睛再

and I'm caught inside a dream world 而且我抓到里面的梦幻世界

where the colors are too intense 那里的颜色太强烈

and nothing is making sense 并没有什么决策意识

There's a floating town of eiderdown 有羽绒的浮镇

in a mist of mystery 在谜雾

There's an old enchanted castle 有一个古老的魔法的城堡

and the princess there is me 和公主有我呢

decked out like a Christmas tree 挂满了像圣诞树


If someone told me I'd succumb 如果有人告诉我,我会屈服于

If someone said I'd be so dumb 如果有人说我是如此愚蠢

after all the sleepless nights 所有的不眠之夜后,

when I turned on all the lights 当我打开所有的灯

I would have hit them 我会打他们

but I have turned the other cheek 但我已经把对方的脸颊

My voice trembles, my knees are weak 我的声音颤抖着,我的膝盖弱

and you beat me once again 你再一次打我

and I know what happens then: 我知道会发生什么:

you raise the ante... 你提出的赌注......


And a long-forgotten fairytale 和一个长期被遗忘的童话

is in your eyes again 是你的眼睛再

and I'm caught inside a dream world 而且我抓到里面的梦幻世界

where the colors are too intense 那里的颜色太强烈

and nothing is making sense 并没有什么决策意识

歌词 Long-Forgotten Fairytale 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/long-forgotten-fairytale/

歌词 Long-Forgotten Fairytale 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《69 Love Songs》
Absolutely Cuckoo
I Don't Believe In The Sun
All My Little Words
A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off
Reno Dakota
I Don't Want To Get Over You
Come Back From San Francisco
The Luckiest Guy On The Lower East Side
Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits
The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be
I Think I Need A New Heart
The Book Of Love
Fido, Your Leash Is Too Long
How Fucking Romantic
The One You Really Love
Punk Love
Parades Go By
Boa Constrictor
A Pretty Girl Is Like...
My Sentimental Melody
Nothing Matters When We're Dancing
Sweet-Lovin' Man
The Things We Did And Didn't Do
Love Is Like Jazz
When My Boy Walks Down The Street
Time Enough For Rocking When We're Old
Very Funny
Grand Canyon
No One Will Ever Love You
If You Don't Cry
You're My Only Home
(Crazy For You But) Not That Crazy
My Only Friend
Promises Of Eternity
World Love
Washington, D.C.
Long-Forgotten Fairytale
Kiss Me Like You Mean It
Papa Was A Rodeo
Epitaph For My Heart
Asleep And Dreaming
The Sun Goes Down And The World Goes Dancing
The Way You Say Good-Night
Abigail, Belle Of Kilronan
I Shatter
It's A Crime
Busby Berkeley Dreams
I'm Sorry I Love You
Acoustic Guitar
The Death Of Ferdinand De Saussure
Love In The Shadows
Bitter Tears
Wi' Nae Wee Bairn Ye'll Me Beget
Yeah! Oh, Yeah!
Experimental Music Love
Love Is Like A Bottle Of Gin
Queen Of The Savages
Blue You
I Can't Touch You Anymore
Two Kinds Of People
How To Say Goodbye
The Night You Can't Remember
For We Are The King Of The Boudoir
Strange Eyes
Xylophone Track
We've Forgotten How
I've Forgotten Everything
Soon Forgotten
Not Forgotten
All But One
God's Stepchild
Days Are Forgotten (Z-Trip Remix)
Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
Shit Out Of Luck
All Is Forgiven (Parts I-II-III)
Making A Name For Ourselves
Where Do You Start?
Rock 'n' Roll Juvenile
Yanni Depp
When I Get To The Green Building
Can't Help Falling In Love
Is There Something
Over The Line
Red Rose Café
New Amsterdam
Drums Are Too Noisy
You Set Me Free
It Ain't A Party
Only Love Is Real
The Taste
Don't Sell Out
What's Good
Intel-Lú (La Comemielda)