歌词 "Lola Stars And Stripes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lola Stars And Stripes


歌词相关歌手:STILLS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We all need to feel secure and so middle-class 我们都需要安全感,因此中产阶级

But I'm still waiting for next week's chemical blast 但我仍然在等待下周的化学爆炸

Don't go feelin' insecure, no feelin' sad 不要去感觉,没有安全感,没有感觉伤心

With an M-16, you'll feel the surge of you're American past 用M -16 ,你会觉得喘振的你是美国人过去


But are you afraid, you always said the world will never last 但你害怕,你总是说,世界将永远不会过去

And Lola I'm not afraid, if you star-wipe all your past away 和萝拉我不怕,如果你明星擦拭所有你过去的路程

And the sun comes one more day 与太阳一多一天


Lola, Lola, 萝拉,萝拉,

Will the world end? Me and you 将世界结束?我和你

Lola, Lola, 萝拉,萝拉,

No we're never going to make it through 不,我们永远不会让它通过


Can you take me back to that place where stars glow? 你能带我回到那个地方,星星发光?

Comets swarm like fireflies outside your window 彗星一窝蜂喜欢你窗外的萤火虫


But are you afraid, you always said the world will never last 但你害怕,你总是说,世界将永远不会过去

And Lola I'm not afraid, if you star-wipe all your past away 和萝拉我不怕,如果你明星擦拭所有你过去的路程

And the sun comes one more day 与太阳一多一天


Lola, Lola, 萝拉,萝拉,

Will the world end? Me and you 将世界结束?我和你

Lola, Lola, 萝拉,萝拉,

No we're never going to make it through 不,我们永远不会让它通过

Lola... [4x] 萝拉... [ 4倍]

歌词 Lola Stars And Stripes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lola-stars-and-stripes/