歌词 "Lochness" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Grey mist drifts upon the water 灰色雾漂在水面

The mirrored surface moves 镜像表面移动

Awakened of this presence 唤醒这个存在

Dispelling legends proof 传说消解证明


A beastly head of onyx 玛瑙的兽头部

With eyes set coals of fire 火眼集煤

It's leathered hide 它leathered隐藏

Glides glistening 闪闪发光的下滑

Ascends the heathered briar 登heathered荆棘


This legend lives 这个传奇的生活

Through centuries 经过几百年

Evoking history's memories 唤起历史的记忆

Prevailing in eternities on and on and on 和和当时的千秋万世中


Lochness confess your terror of the deep Lochness承认你深深的恐惧

Lochness distress Lochness窘迫

Malingers what you keep 泡汤有什么你保持

Lochness protects monstrosity Lochness保护的怪物

Lochness confess to me Lochness承认我


Somehow it heeds the piper 不知怎的,它一概毫不介意吹笛

From battlements that call 从来电城垛

From side to side it ponders 从一边到另一边就思考

Impassioned in the skirl 慷慨激昂的skirl


This highland lair of mystery 这个高原神秘巢穴

Retains a lost world's empathy 保留了一个失落的世界的同情

Resiliant to discovery on and on and on Resiliant来发现和和上


This legend lives 这个传奇的生活

Through centuries 经过几百年

Evoking history's memories 唤起历史的记忆

Prevailing in eternity 当时在永恒

Your secret lies safe with me 你的秘密,就在于安全与我


This creatures peril from decease 这从生物危险去世

Implores to mankind for release 恳请人类释放

A legacy to rest in peace and on and on and on 旧式安息和和和

歌词 Lochness 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lochness/