歌词 "Little Chalkie" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Little Chalkie



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Here comes a ringing testimonial 又来了一个响告别赛

Here comes the saddest song you've ever heard 这里说到你曾经听过的最悲伤的歌

From somewhere else, somewhere good 从别的地方,好地方

In a warehouse painted red 在仓库里涂成红色


Around my house, around my table 在我家,在我的桌子

And I will testify, testify when I'm able. 我会作证,当我能作证。


Everybody in this town is sleeping 每个人都在这个小镇是睡觉

Little Chalkie's gone out west to score 小Chalkie走了出来向西得分

Passing by the metho's gate she dropped something 通过其实现方法具门口路过,她掉了东西

'Cos our town doesn't stand there anymore 因为我们的城市不站在那里了


And my town, it is a teacher 和我镇,这是一个老师

All trucks and beers and memories spread out on the road 所有的卡车和啤酒,回忆摊开在路上

And my town is a leader of children 我镇是孩子们的领导者

To where caution is a long wide load 要小心的地方是一个长很宽的负载

Long wide load. 龙宽的负载。


You love me good, you work me hard 你爱我很好,你辛苦了我

Three letters and a smile on a little white card 三个字母和一个白色的小卡片微笑

Oh yay, oh yay, oh there you lay 哦耶,哦耶,哦,还有你躺在

Lying in the road on Debt Collectors day. 躺在债务收藏家每天在路上。

歌词 Little Chalkie 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/little-chalkie/