歌词 "Little Brat" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Little Brat



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I can still remember the last time I saw your face. 我还记得我最后一次看见你的脸。

I kept calling your name. 我一直在呼唤你的名字。

You just ran the other way. 您刚刚运行的其他方式。

What the hell's your problem? 这到底是你的问题?

You talk a lot of smack, spreading little rumors, 你谈了很多嫌的,散布谣言不大,

And talking behind my back. 再跟我背后。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Everybody knows, everybody knows, 大家都知道,大家都知道,

Everybody knows, everybody knows! 大家都知道,大家都知道!

You're just a little brat, you're living off your daddy's money. 你只是一个小混蛋,你住了你爸爸的钱。

You talk like you're all that. 你说话像你这一切。

Little rich girl go back home. 小富家女回家。

You brag and brag and brag. 你吹嘘和标榜和吹嘘。

Take your head out of your ass. 把你的头伸出你的屁股。

Because nobody here cares about anything you say. 因为这里没有人在乎你的话。


Now you're digging my ex and you think that I am upset. 现在,你挖我的前夫,你认为我心烦意乱。

Just remember one thing I dumped him when he was a mess. 只要记住一件事,我甩了他,当他是一个烂摊子。

Whenever you kiss him, can't you taste me inside his mouth? 每当你亲吻他,你能不能他嘴里的味道吗?

Do yourself a favor and move on with your life right now. 请你帮个忙,并与你的生活现在。


[Chorus x2] [合唱x ]

歌词 Little Brat 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/little-brat/