歌词 "Listen With Your Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Listen With Your Heart



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When you can't find your way through the night 如果你不能找到你的方式通过夜间

When you've lost touch and nothing's feeling right 当你失去了联系,没有什么的感觉右

You can't find that path that leads you home 你找不到,带你回家的路

You don't know which road, which road to choose 你不知道哪条路,要选择哪条路

That's when you've got to 这时候,你一定要


Listen with your heart, listen to your soul 听着你的心脏,听你的灵魂

Inside you'll find the answer 在里面你会找到答案

To take you to the place you need to go 带你到你需要去的地方

Listen with your heart, listen and your heart will let you know 听着你的心脏,听,你的心脏就会让你知道

No matter where you are, the truth is never far 无论您身在何处,但事实是从未远离

Just listen and your heart will lead you home 你听,你的心脏会带你回家


And when this world has got your mind confused 而当这个世界已经得到了你的脑子很乱

Feels like your faith has just run out on you 感觉就像你的信只是你用完

You can find that faith inside your soul 你可以在里面找你的灵魂,信仰

The strength you need lies deep, lies deep in you 你所需要的力量深藏在你深藏

That's why you've got to 这就是为什么你必须


Listen with your heart, listen to your soul 听着你的心脏,听你的灵魂

Inside you'll find the answer 在里面你会找到答案

To take you to the place you need to go 带你到你需要去的地方

Listen with your heart, listen and your heart will let you know 听着你的心脏,听,你的心脏就会让你知道

No matter where you are, the truth is never far 无论您身在何处,但事实是从未远离

Just listen and your heart will lead you home 你听,你的心脏会带你回家


We all lose our way sometimes 我们都失去了我们的方式,有时

We all lose our faith sometimes 我们有时会失去我们的信仰

But if you just believe and just be strong 但是,如果你只是相信,只是强

Trust your heart 相信你的心脏

Your heart won't do you wrong 你的心脏不会做你错了

Your heart won't do you wrong 你的心脏不会做你错了


Listen with your heart, listen to your soul 听着你的心脏,听你的灵魂

Inside you'll find the answer 在里面你会找到答案

To take you to the place you need to go 带你到你需要去的地方

Listen with your heart, listen and your heart will let you know 听着你的心脏,听,你的心脏就会让你知道

No matter where you are, the truth is never far 无论您身在何处,但事实是从未远离

Just listen and your heart will lead you home 你听,你的心脏会带你回家

歌词 Listen With Your Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/listen-with-your-heart-1/

歌词 Listen With Your Heart 的作者与版权信息:


Diane Eve Warren

