歌词 "Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hua! 华!


Fire of the light thy holy angel. 消防光你的圣天使。

Light before the night, dark you'd try. 前一天晚上光线暗,你想尝试。

You try reversing the ray of fire. 您尝试扭转火灾的光芒。

My enemy sets our desire. 我的敌人设置我们的愿望。


I'll kill you! 我要杀了你!


Set aside the call of silence, 抛开沉默的电话,

In the race of so long! 在这么长时间的比赛!

Take me down, and I can feel you, 带我下来,我能感觉到你的,

My lil' bloodred ridin' hood! 我的律血红坐车罩!


Ugh! 唉!


Ooow!!! Ooow !


C'mon motherfuckers! 怎么就来吧!


Little blood so far away. 一点血那么远。

For a second did I go. 对于第二次做了,我去。

It's a loss! 这是一个损失!

But I'll follow you 'til the end of the world. 但我会跟着你,直到世界的尽头。

I killed it for you. 我杀了给你。

I hate you and I want it! 我恨你,我要了!


[Solo] [个]


I'll kill you! 我要杀了你!


Oh, yayaow! 哦, yayaow !


Set aside the call of silence, 抛开沉默的电话,

In the race of so long. 在这么长的比赛。

Take me down, oh please, can I feel you? 就拿我失望,拜托,我能感觉到你?

My lil' bloodred ridin' hood. 我的律血红坐车罩。


[Solo] [个]

歌词 Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lil_-bloodred-ridin_-hood/