歌词 "Light Up My Room" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Light Up My Room



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A Hydro-field cuts through my neighborhood 水力现场切过我家附近

Somehow that always just made me feel good 不知怎的,那永远只是让我感觉很好

I can put a spare bulb in my hand 我可以把一个备用灯泡,放在我的手

And light up my yard 并照亮了我的院子


Late at night when the wires in the walls 深夜在墙上的电线时

Sing in tune with the din of the falls 唱调与瀑布的喧嚣

I'm conducting it all while I sleep 我从事这一切,而我睡

To light this whole town 照亮整个城镇


If you question what I would do 如果你问我会做什么

To get over and be with you 要克服和你在一起

Lift you up over everything 把你升到了一切

To light up my room 照亮我的房间


There's a shopping cart in the ravine 有一个在山沟的购物车

The foam on the creek is like pop and ice cream 在小河的泡沫是喜欢流行和冰淇淋

A field full of tires that is always on fire 这始终是着火的现场充满轮胎

To light my way home 要照亮回家的路。


There are luxuries we can't afford 还有奢侈品,我们买不起

But in our house we never get bored 但在我们家,我们永远不会厌倦

We can dance to the radio station 我们可以跳舞给电台

That plays in our teeth 这在我们的牙齿


If you question what I would do 如果你问我会做什么

To get over and be with you 要克服和你在一起

Lift you up over everything 把你升到了一切

To light up my room 照亮我的房间


A Hydro-field cuts through my neighborhood 水力现场切过我家附近

Somehow that always just made me feel good 不知怎的,那永远只是让我感觉很好

I can put a spare bulb in my hand 我可以把一个备用灯泡,放在我的手

And light up my yard 并照亮了我的院子


Light up my yard 照亮了我的院子

Lights in my yard 在我的院子里的灯

Light up my yard 照亮了我的院子

歌词 Light Up My Room 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/light-up-my-room/

歌词 Light Up My Room 的作者与版权信息:


Ed Robertson, Steven Page


Fresh Baked Goods Inc., Treat Baker Music Inc., WB Music Corp.