歌词 "Lift Your Spirit" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lift Your Spirit



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Come on lift your spirit 来吧,拿起你的精神

And toast a cheese 和烤面包奶酪

To all the good times 给所有的好时光

Through after years 经过多年后,

And just remember 而只记得

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at 这不是你来自哪里它是你在哪里

It ain't who you know it's whose got your back 这是你不知道谁是他们得到了你的背

Times have changed 时代变了

Everything's strange nothing is what it seems 一切都没有什么奇怪的是,似乎

Here a friend's someone who drops in 在这里,朋友的人谁降

A face on a telephone screen 电话屏幕上的人脸

When my chips are down and I'm feeling low 当我的筹码下来,我感觉低

Who impose to come 谁强加来

Who's gonna happen to know my feet after I fall 谁的会碰巧知道我的脚我倒下后,

So ladies and gentleman 因此,女士们,先生们

And boys and girls 男孩和女孩

This one goes out to the people 这一次出去的人

That helped me most in the world 这在世界上帮助了我最

So lift your spirit 因此,解除您的精神

And toast a cheese 和烤面包奶酪

To all the good times 给所有的好时光

Through after years 经过多年后,

And just remember 而只记得

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at 这不是你来自哪里它是你在哪里

It ain't who you know it's whose got your back 这是你不知道谁是他们得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at 这不是你来自哪里它是你在哪里

and whose got your back 而其收到了你回来

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

It ain't who you know but who knows you 这是你不知道,但谁知道你谁

And whose got your back 而其收到了你回来

I told my secret to a friend I thought I can trust 我告诉我的秘密朋友,我想我可以信任

He swore he'll keep it on his momma and The Lord above 他发誓他会保持对他的妈妈及以上主

All the time I've come to find my bitterness all in the street 所有的时间我已经开始找到我的痛苦都​​在街上

I still try to forgive that low down double crossed nerdy J 我还是试着原谅低下来的双交叉书呆子Ĵ

So ladies and gentleman 因此,女士们,先生们

And boys and girls 男孩和女孩

This one goes out to the people 这一次出去的人

Who helped me most in the world 谁是世界上最让我

Hey brothers and sisters 嘿,兄弟姐妹

Hey women and men 嘿男女

I dedicate this to the people 我奉献此人

Whose down since way back when 谁的下降,因为遥想当年

So lift your spirit 因此,解除您的精神

And toast a cheese 和烤面包奶酪

To all the good times 给所有的好时光

Through after years 经过多年后,

And just remember 而只记得

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at 这不是你来自哪里它是你在哪里

It ain't who you know but who knows you and whose got your back 这不是你认识谁,但谁知道你和他们有你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at 这不是你来自哪里它是你在哪里

and whose got your back 而其收到了你回来

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

It ain't who you know but who knows you and whose got your back 这不是你认识谁,但谁知道你和他们有你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at 这不是你来自哪里它是你在哪里

and whose got your back 而其收到了你回来

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

Whose got your back 谁得到了你的背

歌词 Lift Your Spirit 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lift-your-spirit/

歌词 Lift Your Spirit 的作者与版权信息:


Aloe Blacc


WB Music Corp., Aloe Blacc Publishing