歌词 "Life Won't Wait" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Life Won't Wait



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I watch it all change, 我看着这一切的变化,

take the news of the day 取一天的新闻

and throw it away. 并把它扔掉。

Time will kill all the pain, 时间会杀死所有的痛苦,

faith will cure the decay 信仰可以治愈的衰减

of all this blind ambition; 所有这些盲目的野心;

the greed brings us together. 贪婪使我们走到了一起。

Stay strong, stay true, be brave - it all comes down to you. 强留,留真实,勇敢 - 这一切都归结到你。


Tried to just let it go 想就随它去吧

know that justice moves slow 知道正义缓慢移动

but it comes in the end 但它是在端

Rise the guilty will fall 上升有罪将下降

stay they can't take it all 留他们不能把它全部

they want the unimportance 他们想要的不重要

it's love they leave behind 这是爱他们留下

Stand up, stay true, be hard - the future looks to you 站起来,留下真实的,是很难 - 今后期待着你


Every second you throw away 每一秒你扔掉

Every minute of every day 每一天的每一分钟

Don't get caught in a myriad 不要陷入无数

Because life won't wait for you 因为生命不会等待你

No, life won't wait for you, my friend. 没有,生活不会等你,我的朋友。


I'm watching the change 我看变化

through who will carry the flame 通过谁将会承载着圣火

it all feels very strange. 这一切感觉很奇怪。

Dreams than mean can be good 梦比平均能好

faith - to live as we should 信仰 - 生活,我们应该

and know we're all connected 并知道我们所有连接

we give ourselves the power 我们给自己的权力

Stay strong stay true be brave - it all comes down to you 强留留真勇敢 - 这一切都归结到你


Every day that you wait you're falling faster 你等着,你现在越落越快每天

No sleight of hand, no twist of fate, no ever after 没有戏法,无扭曲的命运,没有经过过

When it's gone - it's gone, afight to the bitter end 当它的消失 - 它不见了, afight你死我活

Life won't wait for you 生活不会等你

No, life won't wait for you, my friend. 没有,生活不会等你,我的朋友。


Life won't wait for you, my friend [x4] 生活不会等你,我的朋友[ X4 ]

歌词 Life Won't Wait 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/life-won_t-wait/

歌词 Life Won't Wait 的作者与版权信息:


Ozzy Osbourne, Kevin Gregory Churko


Monowise Ltd.